Monday, September 26, 2005

Devil's Advocate

Many of you who know me are aware that I have taken a position working for (whom I have affectionately named) Satan. Yes, that's right: my boss is the Prince of Darkeness.

Satan received this appellation because of her hiring process. First she told me she could only offer me a pitiful $17/hr. She raised it to $18/hr when I told her I had a better offer at another school. Then this third compnay hired me for $25...I called Satan, and said I was accepting this other position because it paid better and was closer to home. She wavered, called her supervisor, then called me back. She said "Oh, because you're very qualified, and the class you teach is so important to us, we can match your other offer. Will you come work for us?" I acquiesced, because Satan was able to offer more hours then the other, closer-to-home company.

Actually, I was a little irked, because I could have been spared running the gauntlet of several interviews and looking for a more lucrative offer. If I'm worth $25-30/hr, then that's what I should be offered, right? Other people told me this is a standard interviewing/hiring procedure...but I find it rather degrading.

When I teach, I do the best job I can. I don't do a mediocre job, then try a little harder if the students threaten to attend another academy. I don't offer as little knowledge as possible to my students, and wait to see if they're satisfied with that. I think the aforementioned "standard procedure" is an unacceptable model for business of any sort. That asinine mentality is why--for decades--the quality Japanese goods has surpassed that of American products (and, incidentally, why our products are superior to those from China).

Let's conclude with a light-hearted anecdote from work today:

Student A: Only-children are usually spoiled.

Student B: I'm an only child!

Student A: So are you spoiled?

Student B [Said in a very matter-of-fact, resigned tone.]: No, I'm not smart. I'm stupid.

Student A: No, are you spoiled?

Student B: Oh, I'm not spoiled. Just stupid.

1 comment:

Pamguin said...

I am allowing you to apply for law school now after careful consideration.

Quick, you still have time to study for the test in December!!!

Hurry up...I know you'll be a great law student.

top four and a half reasons:

1. Your mind is geared for such logic and standardized tests that law school entails.

2. You get to rant and rave about current events and economics and policy all you want

3. It's 3 years shorter than getting a PhD in English.

4. You'll be making at least $100K when you get out.

4.5. Cuz I say you should.