Friday, April 20, 2007

Political Prognostication: 2008 Presidentials

I was totally right about the 2006 midterm results, and I called it a full year ahead of the elections. Unfortunately, in my reality show-viewing enthusiasm, I forgot to document it. We all know I love being right and gloating, so this time I'll be more careful.

My money is on Hilary as the Democratic contender, and John McCain as the Republican candidate [Actually, I'm a little uncertain about whom the GOP will nominate. McCain is just so very ancient, but Mr. Giuliani is simply not conservative enough to get win the party's right.] But that's just speculation. My gaze into the crystal ball isn't clear enough to prognosticate the details, but I can see a clear Democratic victory.

The Bush II administration is just too fraught with problems. It's just one scandal after another. (Please, George, get it together already.)

Paul Wolfawitz is going to resign from the World Bank after being embroiled in the pay-raise-for-girlfriend scandal, mixed with lack of confidence from Bank staffers. Alberto Gonzales will eventually need to resign from his post as Attorney General, and Karl Rove's fingerprints are all over this mess, just as in the not-too-distant Valerie Plame/Joseph Wilson/Karl Rove/Lewis Scooter Libby/Dick Cheney/Richard Armitage/Robert Novak/Judith Miller affair, (often shortened for convenience to "the Plame affair" or simply "Plamegate," because, honestly, who can remember all those names or the connections between them?) (But don't you think that calling it "Plamegate" denies credit where it's due, and leaves out so many of the central figures in that sad, sad tale of misuse and abuse of power?)

Now it's possible that I'm more keenly aware of the rash of resignations/calls for resignation because it's only been since Bush43 took office that I began listening to NPR, which commenced my interest in national politics . Prior to that period, my interest in the news centered mainly on international affairs.

Anyway, I'm calling it now: a Democratic win in 2008. You heard it here first. Spread the word.

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