Wednesday, March 22, 2006

TV Land

Tonight my parents are watching the "TV Land Awards." For those blessed enough not to be in the know, TVLand is a cable channel that airs reruns from the 1950s, 1960s, and occasionally from the '70s. Popular favorites include Leave it to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, The Brady Bunch, and, of course, I Love Lucy.

So why the TV Land awards? Actually, I'm not sure myself, and barely in possession of the requisite interest to blog about this from my seat at the kitchen table, I am certainly not sufficiently invested to get up, walk to the family room, and watch enough of the program to know what exactly they are awarding. Anyways, it's much more fun to guess.

Perhaps they're just reliving the actual Emmy Awards from a given year (maybe 1962?). Sure that seems fatalistic and masochistically boring, but these are people voluntarily attending an event entitled "the TV Land Awards," so who knows what they're willing to endure. Perhaps it's only those who never won an Emmy--a chance for the bitter losers to affirm that, had the actual Emmy recipient not been in their category, they would have gone home with the precious statuette that they were denied those long, cruel decades ago. Or perhaps there are new awards being given out, awards that can only be given to a show long past it's prime: most widely syndicated program; lowest cast members-to-rerun ratio; show least likely to be carried over into next year's TV Land programming, and so forth.

I can now hear Donnie and Marie (Osmond) singing the intro. It's a clear sign you've tumbled from the heights of stardom onto the B-list when you're singing on the TV Land awards.

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