Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Here's an excerpt of a recent online conversation I had with Jay [edited only to remove redundant/unnecessary messages]:

Tomato JT: have you read my "celebrity enthusiasm" posts?
jerrick0: I have
Tomato JT: i can only imagine what you must think. but it's not really about the celebrity anymore: it's about my GOAL. that i decided to get the photo, and now i want to follow thru on it.
jerrick0: you are driven. to some odd things admittedly, but driven
Tomato JT: all my friends are very impressed at my super-sleuthing in finding the address. some are always concerned for my sanity...
jerrick0: you should be a private investigator, except I think you're a little too emotive
Tomato JT: HAHAHA. and my bright blue Prius is very unique looking. it's an interesting shape. the top is very parabolic
jerrick0: not exactly a convertible SUV?
Tomato JT: HAHAHA! very clever.
Tomato JT: no, that was only when i was inextricably drawn into the SYSTEM. but i have since been slightly extricated. but, if i had such a car, i could run down an old lady in it...
jerrick0: while sipping on your chai latte with soy, or something like that
Tomato JT: HAHAHA. i should have added that! i had more observations about the system while at the mall on saturday...
[Here I begin a tirade against "the system."]

jerrick0: the very fact that we're typing on computers we presumably own at 2:48am about the system plants us firmly within it
Tomato JT: (it's only 11:49pm here) hahaha, i suppose but it's not unusual for college students (or law school students) to chat late at nite.
jerrick0: I'd say that most college students and arguably ALL law students are in some way part of the system
Tomato JT: HAHAHAHHAHAHA.ok, that is true (about the law school students)
jerrick0: what about doggie sweaters and boots
Tomato JT: yes i know--i really object to animal clothing. UNLESS you live in a VERY VERY cold area, and your animal is relatively hairless
jerrick0: have you hear about these surgical implants for dogs? prepare yourself http://netscape.petplace.com/Articles/artShow.asp?artID=2630 http://www.neuticles.com/webpages/faq.html

[If you don't want to click the link, "Neuticals" are prosthetic testicals for dogs who have undergone neutering. Companies marketing this product claim that these replacement gonads give the dog a more "natural" look, and spare the dogs the supposed "trauma" of the missing glands.]

jerrick0: I was expecting the all caps : -)
Tomato JT: i told my friend that we should move to communism so that production of things like this would be banned
Tomato JT: that "anne gedes" lady...she dresses babies as FLOWERS and BEES, and then photographs them. that part is weird, but okay. BUT people actually BUY her photos, and things with the photos on them!!! but all of that is but a shadow of NEUTICALS.
jerrick0: you could dress up Ryan Conferido as flowers and bees and sell pictures of HIM
Tomato JT: HAHAHAHA. i will for SURE mention this conversation in my blog.


etimus said...

you're a nut jt. in a good way. =)

Anonymous said...

OMG, u guys are sooooo funny :D

btw, how did jay know about the dog thing!??!?