Sunday, December 04, 2005

So You Think You Can Stalk, Part V (a reprise)

Since so many of my friends have been asking whether my long-held ambition has been manifest, (and because the SYTYCS series has been a particular favorite of my readers) I decided to do a short update:

I went to my mom's office to print out some more forms for my grad school apps (Berkeley material needs to be post-marked Dec 8, and five other major schools are due Dec 15--yikes!) last week. As I mentioned, Ryan's home is about a block-and-a-half from my mom's work, so I drove by in hopes of asking for the coveted photo so that I could attain my goal and put and end to this neurotic chapter of my life.

So close, guys, SO CLOSE! I did my drive by, and saw nothing, which shouldn't have surprised me, because how often do people wait around outside their homes--except maybe in the South. (I have this image of the South in which everyone loiters on his/her front porch in a rocking chair, sipping a mint julep; there is often a hound and/or guitar of some sort at its master's feet.) So I turn around and exit the tract; no sooner am I about to leave, then guess-who drives in at the same moment! Yes. But the entrance is so narrow it precludes even my Pruis, with its belief-defying turn radius, from making a U.

So I exit, turn around at the nearest legal intersection and head back in, the thought of blogging about my success nearly causing salivation. Thwarted again! I guess he had pulled into the garage; Ryan's car was nowhere to be found.

Don't worry, as soon as the apps are in, I will return to my quest with full vigor!

To my dismay, I learned that Ryan recently moved to L.A., which makes it more difficult to carry out my reconnaissance missions...However, I also learned that he's teaching a hiphop class on Wednesdays in Cypress, which will make it even easier for me to get that stupid photo once I have the time! :)

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