Coincidentally, the Radio Music Awards were being held at the Aladdin the same time we were there. Look at the billing: Keith Urban, a nice nod to the rising popularity of country music. Maybe more Americans are waking up to our great, home-grown musical traditions.

Kelly Clarkson: talented, can sing, deserves billing over Ashlee
Ashlee Simpson: does anything need to be said?
Moral: Vegas billboards are unfair.
Radio Music Awards! Truly, not your average trailer trash show. Although I must agree with Trashlee Simpson.
in law school, we learned by expliciting stating something, we are exluding other things. So by saying that "home-grown" music = country music, you are saying that other kinds of music, i.e. rock and roll, folk, jazz, and rap are not. Truly, there is a more twisted moral to the story then you let on. =)
No, I think one thing can be stated without implicitly excluding other things...otherwise sentences (and more broadly, language) would just become too cumbersome, too unwieldy.
Rock, jazz, and rap all, indeed, originated in the US, but we have, for the most part, successfully exported those genres around the world, whereas country is still largely a local phenomenon.
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