Today Danny took me to his favorite dimsum place in Hong Kong. He doesn't want me to reveal it's exact location for fear people would come here without him if they knew where it was, but I can tell you it's in a district called "Whampoa," which is not near any Metro stop, but is accessible by some very convenient buses. Thinking it would be fun to practice my interviewing skills on this post, I prepared some questions about the dimsum for Danny, who likewise could hone his descriptive powers. I have reproduced a little of conversation below to give you a taste of our experience:
Q: Danny, how is the ha gao?
A: Delectable, if you will.
[During the my two months here, Danny has taken to adopting some of the addendums I occationally tack on to my sentences. He has no real interest in their true meaning or proper use, but has instead resolved on peppering his statements with these clichés. His favorites include "if you will," "so to speak," and "if I do say so myself."]
Q: Danny, how is the siu mai?
A: It has pork inside, and abalone on top. Delectable, so to speak.
Q: Danny, how is the dan tat?
A: It's the best: delectable, if I do say so myself.
Q: Danny, how is the chow mein?
A: It's crunchy. Delectable, so to speak.
Q: Danny, do you know what delectable even means? Do you know that your food review is so undescriptive that it's not really giving my readers any idea what the food here is like?
A: Yes, I know what delectable means, if I do say so myself.
Below is a photo of me and everyone's favorite Nintendo character. This is from a plaza near the 'delectable' dimsum restaurant.

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