Saturday, March 10, 2007

To the Ones Who Made This Possible

...and last, but certainly not least, I'd like to thank the ones who made this moment possible: my fans! Yes, it is to you, my faithful followers, that I owe this special moment in history. I shall always remember you, and I shall always be grateful. I must thank you most of all. To those of you who rode the high times with me, and stood beside me in the low times, to you I say, "thank you so very much, and let's look forward to many, many, many more high times in the future."

Contrary to everything that you may now be thinking, I did not, in fact, see the 79th Academy Awards of two Sundays ago. (I did, however, hear that Helen Mirren took home the Best Actress award for The Queen, a film in which I had a mild curiosity that has now blossomed into a considerable interest, thanks to Ms. Mirren's win. The post-Oscar buzz has also brought Pan's Labyrinth onto my cinematic radar. The film won for Best Art Direction [beating out The Prestige], Best Cinematography [again, topping The Prestige], Best Makeup, and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Original Score.)

Anyway, I added a tracking feature to my blog, and today I finally got what I've been waiting for: a Euro reader! Someone in London (the Lambeth area) checked out myteemingbrain.

Internationally, it seems I am most popular in China, which I can't explain, especially since essentially 100% of my entries are in English—and written in a way that precludes understanding except by those with a high level of fluency (and a great tolerance for digression) attained by very, very few of the inhabitants of the PRC. I have been read in:

Shanxi province
Liaoning province
Shandong province

I have also had visits from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

On the American scene, I have been read outside my home state of California in the following places:

St. Petersburg, Florida
Kapaa, Hawaii
Kirkland, Washington
Ft. Worth, Texas
Lexington, Massachusetts
Chicago, Illinois

So a great big, hearty "thank you" to everyone who reads regularly. This post is for YOU! Please link me to your own webpages if you enjoy the content, and spread the word. ☺

To date, I have had 251 page views, and 147 visits.

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