Thursday, April 12, 2007


This week Sanjaya has managed to turn my usually self-assured, self-confident self upside down. Even the normally rock-solid refuge of my incontrovertible opinions has been pillaged and reduced to sinking sand. Sanjaya was...actually good this week, right? Someone please give me affirmation that my ears didn't unilaterally declare April 10 "opposite day." Either that, or confirm that my biases and prejudices are correct, and there's no way in the world he could ever sing well, because (if you'll pardon me the mixed metaphor) my ears are saying one thing, but my mind is on a whole other page. [In this debate, in fact, my mind is in a whole other book, published by another publishing company, and in an entirely different language. I am so confused.] Good? Bad? You be the judge:

Not that it really matters what you (singular) as judge think, because you (plural, American participant in this mock-democracy) have already voted out poor Haley. Which, to be honest, was a fair move for this week, because Sanjaya was the only one to employ actual Spanish (excepting LaKisha's use of "conga") in his song choice for Latin music week. Plus he looked very charming singing on that stool. And, although we've already seen this is regrettably irrelevant to whether Sanjaya remains in American Idol, he sounded good this week. (Though I suppose that last point is still up for grabs, since I myself am not settled on whether I can any longer trust my ears.)

In any event, Simon saw right through Haley (pardon the pun) and verbalized her strategy to remain in the competition as "wearing as least [sic] amount of clothing as possible." Pam commented that she doesn't have very much left in terms of minimizing the amount of fabric used to fabricate her weekly costumes. Apparently Ms. Scarnato misjudged the skin-to-votes ratio, and ended up not offering up enough of the former to elicit the amount of the latter required to keep her in the competition.

At left: Haley with her version of (ironically) "Ain't Misbehavin'." I noticed Tony Bennett told her she missed the point of the song, because it's supposed to be about fidelity to only one person. I know you can't tell because of the position of her fingers, but that halter really looked like a booby-hammock for her girls. (But if not for that hand, I might have had to blur out the generous view of the ladies she offered.)

PS: As a musical artist recognized by his first name only in households across America, Sanjaya has been catapulted into the thermosphere (or at least the stratosphere) with the likes of Madonna, Cher, and Fergie.

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