Wednesday, April 18, 2007

t(-.-t) Productions

I noticed lately the tenor of myteemingbrain has been toward the serious (excepting, of course, the digressions into the on-goings of American Idol). Since I'm about a month behind on my blog, I can see into the future, and the next two posts will likewise be of a somber/political nature*.

So, to give everyone a little reprieve from all the politics, here is a sampling of videos I found a few days ago on the 'Tube. As a caveat: though the production company, TnT Productions, has quickly become my favorite producer of silly video clips, not everyone has the acumen to perceive the comic genius underlying these creations. For example, I spent what seemed like an eternity trying to convince one friend why the videos are so great, but it's like trying to explain why a Rembrandt is glorious, or why Chopin's Prelude No.15 in Db major is stunning. These are not matters open to interpretation. These are not personal opinions. They are observable facts, and the only people who disagree with them are those who lack the capacity to appreciate them. [Okay, on a serious note: I can't compare the comic "genius" of these videos two those two other artists and their work, but I think the point is made.] After trying vainly to render the ineffable into words, I concluded the disagreement with an amicable "everyone has his own opinion," while in my mind concluding the sentence with "...even philistines."

Alright, even though I just conceded that the source of humor in these Youtube offerings is "ineffable," I can't resist trying to tell you why I enjoy them. Look at the expressions on that kid's face. Sure, his facials are sometimes little over-the-top—and probably more than a little camera-conscious—but there are also moments (and plenty of them) in which his silly and/or ridiculous expressions look entirely natural. [NB: Readers who have interacted with me in person will know that my face often finds itself doing similar contortions. If you're a stranger reading this, you'll have to take my word for it.] Something about the dichotomy of a natural-seeming countenance that is clearly artificially induced for the purpose of a lip synch video is interesting. I also enjoy the use of makeshift props (not so apparent in the videos below, but if you click here you can find the whole selection). Nothing spectacular about the use of the props, but the fact that they seem so whimsically chosen (i.e. "let's see what I have lying around my room, and figure out a way to use it in this video,") is amusing.

Finally, the syntactical gymnastics at the end of the last video (in the segment entitled "Bloopies") will be appreciated by anyone who has an interest in grammar and the way that we put sentences together.

If you don't like these, I won't apologize.

"Accidentally in Love," Counting Crows [My favorite, because of the "bloopies."]

"Build me up, Buttercup," the Foundations

"Charmander evolves to Charmeleon"

*I attribute this sudden barrage of political musings to my recent re-exposure to NPR, and all the delectable national and international news delights that it offers. I am gorging myself on the free exchange of information after being starved of uncensored material in the PRC.

1 comment:

Yuchi said...

Just in case you read this before my e-mail to you...


jealous??? ^^