Monday, May 28, 2007

Heaven help us.

While the numbers of students graduating each year from colleges, universities, graduate programs and professional schools tell a different story, few people who have truly explored the phenomenon of the "dumbing of America" doubt its reality. At a time of increased technological literacy—particularly among America's youngest generation—it is easy to assume (erroneously) that instant and text messaging, the 24-hour news cycle, virtual forums, online discussion boards, and the Internet in general are bringing unprecedented levels of information and copious opportunities to develop communicative abilities. Wrong.

As a regrettable and poignant illustration of my point, take for example the following excerpts from comments posted in response to a Youtube video. These are actual, unaltered comments from Youtube users. Heaven help us.

sorry... NICE* If you are small minded the astric (yes that is what the little star thingy is called) means that I am correcting a typing error from my last response.

...those who cannot properly spell ASTERISK ought not refer to others as "small minded" (especially given the fact that "small minded" usually means "selfish, petty, or narrow-minded" not "ignorant" or "uninformed".)

LOL! What the hell IS an atric?!?!

An asterisk, as explained correctly by ashleyluver82—albeit spelled incorrectly—is "what the little star thingy is called". See the little "*" above the number 8 on your keyboard? That's it. As far as I know, an "atric" doesn't exist. Best of luck to you.

1 comment:

Yuchi said...

youtube seems to be a breeding ground for the illiterate.

"what the hell IS an atric?"

i'm surprised he used "an" instead of "a". there's hope afterall.