Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New & Improved

I pride myself on not watching much television. While this restraint is due in part to my busy schedule, a large portion of the credit falls to me for self-imposing this brand of ascetism. There are, however, certain costs associated with avoidance of the tellie, namely a lack of familiarity with certain ideas/words/movements/phenomena gaining social currency. One such event is the takeover of Cingular by AT&T. Am I the only one who was unaware that this had happened?

I exposed my ignorance last week while watching American Idol (my current, sole exception to the No Television rule) at a friend's house. "AT&T is the new Cingular," the commercial proudly proclaimed.

"What does that mean?" I asked naively. "Is that like 'brown is the new black'? Or '40 is the new 30'?"

For those as clueless as I was until recently, this advertising slogan is nothing like either of those two axioms. Or maybe it's exactly like that.

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