Tuesday, October 04, 2005

High Holy Days Hodge-podge: Day 1

Although I am not actually Jewish, I have managed to combine the best qualities of some outstanding Jews: the boyish charm of Scott Wolf, the brilliance of Einstein, the virtuosity of Itzhak Perlman, the economic savvy of Allan Greenspan, the literary genius of J.D. Salinger, all with the devastatingly handsome--yet unassuming--good looks of Noah Wyle. [Did you know that "Jonathan Taylor Thomas" is really a Jew named Jonathan Weiss? Did he think that having a Jewish name would somehow hurt his chance of success in Hollywood?!] I'm like Dr. Frankenstein's creature, assembled from all the best parts culled from remarkable Jews.

Ok, so I really have the boyish charm of Allan Greenspan, the literary genius of Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and the good looks of Einstein, but I'm still the amalgamation of several famous Jews.

Anyway, in honor of my Jewish compatriots, I have decided to dedicate the next 10 days of my blog to the High Holy Days, the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, on which Jews are expected to "examine their past deeds and ask for forgiveness for their sins", and "review the history of their people and pray for Israel". (http://www.holidays.net/highholydays/rosh.htm).

The disadvantage of this cross-cultural blogging experience is that I will probably have very few first-person accounts of anything resembling Judaism, ergo "hodge-podge" in the title. So be prepared over the next week and a half for a variety of unnaturally unrelated thoughts and stories that I will try to string together with my new theme: the High Holy Days.

Happy Rosh Hashanah!

Secret Jew of the Day: Jonathan Taylor Thomas (a.k.a. Jonathan Weiss)
Not-so-secret Jew of the Day: Ariel Sharon

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