Friday, October 07, 2005

High Holy Days Hodge-podge: Day 4

"Then the priests the Levites arose and blessed the people: and their voice was heard, and their prayer came up to his holy dwelling place, even unto heaven." 2 Chronicles 30:27

Act II: The Hapless Misadventure that Sometimes is an Answered Request

In HHD (High Holy Day) entry 2, I mentioned that I tend to manipulate my conversations with Alvin. So as I was chatting with him today (again, via the miracle that is the Internet), I indicated that during our workout this evening it would be Alvin who would direct our interlocution. I met him at Ballys, and, as per my custom, I began to dominate the discussion. I caught myself, and said, "Oh, I'm doing it again! Alvin! We agreed that you're in charge of the topics tonight."

Alvin chuckled, took a thoughtful pause to summon a topic that would be of mutual interest, then commenced: "So today I was deciding which headphones to buy...$60, blah blah blah...$20, blah blah blah...more portable...mess up my hairdo, BLAH!" Oh my gosh! I was about to lose consciousness this conversation was so boring!

I composed myself, and prepared to firmly--yet tactfully--reassert authority over what would have soon become (under Alvin's maladroit direction) a one-way trip to a conversational Bermuda Triangle. "I remember why I like to direct our one-on-one talks," I started. "Because when you start the topic, you chose something so asinine that it could engage no living being!"

Surprisingly, Alvin did not take offense. He just smiled and said, "Yeah, I know. That's why I am quiet. I listen more, and talk less."

Moral of the story: Alvin is a faithful, patient friend who is good at conversation, but should not be allowed to govern the topic of discussion.

Secret Jew of the Day: Krusty the Clown, birth name: Herschel Pinkus Yerucham Krustofski (
Not-so-Secret-Jew & Jewess of the Day: Allen Ginsberg & Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, does someone that boring actually exists?! Poor Alvin; poor, poor Alvin. I wonder how he gets around in life.

Anonymous said...

I'm betting that he just thinks a lot or just talks to himself. In any case, he needs to be more outgoing.

etimus said...

i find alvin infinitely fascinating. i just think the two of you have different tastes...but then again, who am i to pass judgment?