Monday, September 25, 2006

The One Year Anniversary

While my real birthday (and the birthday of my teeming brain, the organ, not the website) was a little more than a week ago (happy birthday!), today marks the one year anniversary of my teeming brain, the website, not the organ.

Happy anniversary!

To celebrate this special day, I have selected my 10 favorite entries from this first year as the only sort of present I thought I could offer online to my readers. (The original plan was to rank them, but when that proved a little too difficult, I resolved simply on listing them in chronological order instead.) For new readers who may not be familiar with the older entries, this should provide an easy way for you to enjoy the choice fruits without having to sample every apple in the basket. For those who've already read all the entries, you can enjoy them all over again; there's nothing like a good re-run. ^_^ Happy reading!

It droppeth as the gentle rain...
Let them have dominion
White Christmas (pt II)
State of the Union, cont'd

Icy Stabs
Student Profile #5
Let them Eat Cake
Taking Sexy Back

And what awards ceremony would be complete without some runners up (the ones that were closest to being selected as "top 10" are at the top of this list):
Waffles vs Thermals (surface issue & real issue)
Defying Expectations
On My Stubs

Thanks to everyone who has left comments. Compliments are always well-received, constructive criticism is welcomed about half as often. :) Please continue to be patient as I try to catch up on my entries.

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